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The Very Best Hospitality Jobs, For The Very Best Hospitalitarians

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Hear What They Have To Say...

helpKNX was created by an industry veteran to provide a free job platform to help the Hospitality industry make better job connections. On this platform businesses and employees can take advantage of ratings, badges, videos and social media to find the right jobs and employees. At helpKNX our aim is to change how people look at employment in our industry.

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We've got answers

The website is free to post, hire and search for jobs.

Absolutely NOT. We want to create one central place to make it easier for the candidates to find jobs. In order to take advantage of the ratings, badges and videos it is important that everything go through the helpKNX platform.

First it is free to post, search and hire SPECIFICALLY for the hospitality industry. The employers and candidates start off by rating themselves based on 10 basic questions.
This allows businesses and employees to start to set themselves apart. Businesses can also earn 5 “searchable” badges to continue to highlight their distinction in the market for employees to quickly identify. We highly encourage businesses (and candidates) to upload videos to their profile page to let prospective employees understand what type of business it is and see a more personal aspect of the business to help employees make good choices when applying for jobs that are right for them. At helpKNX we believe that better job matches will result in better and longer work relationships.

DThe employees and employers each have 10 questions they can answer YES or NO to and for every YES answer you get a point. These answers will be visible.

The Badges are a “searchable” way for candidates, business, and organizations to see what additional perks or services your business aligns with. One more way to make better connections.

We believe that it is important to help candidates find the best job home for them so they there will be less turnover. Not every business is the right fit for every employee. Through the videos and social media posts it will give candidates a glimpse of what a business is like. Videos can give you a more personal look at the business without being employed there. This is just one more way to help insure better connections and cut down on turnover due to the “wrong fit”.